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Watch Recording: Opening of the National Placement Evaluation Centre (NPEC)

On August 25 2022, the Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery (Australia & New Zealand) was delighted to host the Opening of the National Placement Evaluation Centre (NPEC) webinar.

With record numbers of over 300 registrations and 160+ attendees, we thank everyone who joined us, as well as the webinar's Chair, Professor Fiona Stoker, and presenters Professor Simon Cooper, Professor Karen Strickland, Anthony Dombkins and Megan Fitzgerald for sharing their knowledge and expertise while introducing the Centre. We also thank Professor Marie Gerdtz for concluding the session by leading a lively Q&A panel discussion.

Watch the Recording:


Wednesday 25 August 2022, 5:30pm AEST

We are very pleased to have received a high volume of questions, which have now been answered in the NPEC Webinar Questions & Answers Page.

We hope you enjoyed our event and always welcome your feedback. If you attended the event or watched the recording, we encourage you to please fill out the survey below to provide feedback and ask any further questions.

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About NPEC

Australian nursing and midwifery students are required to attend clinical placements as part of a bachelor degree. Whilst educational experiences are generally exceptional, some students and educators report poor outcomes. In line with a recent review of nurse education (Schwartz 2019), it is therefore essential that these placements are formally evaluated to benchmark outcomes and ensure quality improvements. 

With these issues in mind, the National Placement Evaluation Centre (NPEC) has been commissioned by Health Education Services Australia (HESA) and funded by the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) and the Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery (Australia and New Zealand) (CDNM).

Centre staff will collate placement ratings from students and educators using a range of measures ensuring national benchmarking and quality improvement. The repository will be managed through an education management system that will enable individual institutions to upload their ratings and for NPEC staff to anonymise and collate outcomes for national reporting.

A Centre trial begins in early 2022 with a national rollout from 2023. Additional background to the work and the various stages of development are described at: 

About the Presenters

Chair, Clinical Professor Fiona Stoker

Managing Director, HESA, RN, DipN(London) BBUS (Marketing and Human Resources),

Grad Cert Public Sector Management, MBA

Professor Fiona stoker is the Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) and has held this position since November 2014. Fiona is also the Managing Director of HESA. Prior to this, Fiona was the Chief Nurse and Midwifery Officer for the Tasmanian Department of Health, a position she held for over 10 years. In this role, Fiona was a member of the ANMAC Board for a period of 3 1/2 years.

Fiona has a broad range of nursing experience in Australia and in the UK and has worked within the Acute Care and Community environments. Fiona has also undertaken work in associated health care environments in Tasmania, including Correctional Health and Youth Justice. Fiona has also been a member of a number of National Committees and Boards, including the Health Advisory Committee, Australian Health Ethics Committee, Health Workforce Australia and the Community Services and Health Industry Skills Council Boards. Fiona also holds a clinical title as Clinical Professor at the University of Tasmania.

Professor Simon Cooper. Director HITC 

Professor Simon Cooper is a health professional who has worked in emergency care in the UK and Australia. He is an experienced senior manager, with a PhD in Leadership Studies and 40 years' work in the clinical and academic fields. He has led innovative education and research programs across the world in the field of advanced practice development, patient safety, emergency care, leadership, teamwork, education and clinical simulation. He is the inaugural Director of the National Placement Evaluation Centre (NPEC) and the Co-Director of the Health Innovation and Transformation Centre at Federation University.

Professor Karen Strickland


Professor Karen Strickland is the elected Chair of the Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery (ANZ) (CDNM). She is Executive Dean of the School of Nursing and Midwifery at Edith Cowan University, Perth Western Australia. Karen is an experienced academic nurse leader with significant clinical, academic and research experience across the health, higher education, and social service sectors in the UK and Australia.

Karen has held a number of board-level appointments and is recognized as an expert in the field of cancer, palliative and aged care through various appointments including as an invited member of the Professional Advisory Council of the Cancer Nurses Society of Australia and a Visiting Professor appointment with Auckland University of Technology. Karen’s expertise as an education leader is internationally recognized through various roles including international education consultancy for both program and institutional level accreditations. She is also an accreditation consultant for the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council.

ACT Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer Anthony Dombkins

Anthony Dombkins until appointed the ACT Health Chief Nursing and Midwifery Officer in January 2020 was the Director of Nursing and Midwifery, Northern Sydney Local Health District. Anthony Dombkins graduated as a Registered Nurse in 1987 and holds postgraduate clinical certificates in Renal and Transplantation Nursing and Intensive Care Nursing, as well as a Masters, Health Management (UNE). Anthony Dombkins has held a variety of senior health management positions within the public and private health sectors across NSW.  In June 2014, Anthony Dombkins was appointed an Adjunct Professor – Nursing at the University of Sydney and the Australian Catholic University. Anthony Dombkins was a member of the Clinical Excellence Commission Advisory Board and a Board Director for Stewart House.

Ms Megan Fitzgerald

Megan has 10+ years' experience working within Aged Care as a senior Personal Care Attendant and involved with students, staff training and workplace quality improvement. Megan is currently studying full time Bachelor of Nursing at Federation University and has a passion for research and quality improvement. Megan became involved in the National Placement Evaluation Centre in 2021 as a nursing student representative continuing throughout her degree.

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