Midwifery Advisory Committee

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Midwifery Advisory Committee

Midwifery Advisory Committee

In 2022, the Council of Deans of Nursing and Midwifery (Australia and New Zealand) (CDNM) established an inaugural Midwifery Advisory Committee (MAC).   

The primary role of the Midwifery Advisory Committee is to ensure that the CDNM’s Board of Directors and the broader membership are appropriately advised about aspects of policy, education, research and practice that are unique to the profession of midwifery. To do so, the MAC will inform, provide strategic advice and report to the CDNM and its Board on these matters. They intend to be a proactive group, advocating for and advancing the profession of midwifery by raising awareness, lobbying policy makers, and publishing position papers on key matters relating to midwifery education, research, and practice. 

Relationships will be a key focus for the committee, as building respectful and productive networks with key stakeholders in policy, practice, regulation, and professional bodies is a priority. The MAC will ensure that where and when it matters, midwifery will have seat at the table and a voice when it comes to making decisions about the education and practice of our profession. Members of the committee are all national and international leaders in midwifery education and research, committed to identifying and mentoring future midwifery leaders. MAC will provide leadership programs and mentorship opportunities for early and mid-career academics in midwifery so that the future of midwifery is advanced by inspiring and capable midwifery academics.

Read the MAC's 2023 Position paper on The Future of the Midwifery Workforce in Australia.

Meet the team

List of Services

List of Services

The Council's purpose is to represent the disciplines of nursing and

midwifery in Australia and New Zealand in universities

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